How to Grow and Care for Lipstick Plant

Quick Facts about Lipstick Plant
Origin: Asia
Common name: Lipstick plant, Basket vine, Lipstick vine
Botanical name: Aeschynanthus radicans
Family: Gesneriaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Size: grow long up to 2-3 feet.
Sun exposure: Bright indirect light
Soil type: High quality, well-drained
pH: Neutral to alkaline
Flower: Red
Toxicity: This is not toxic at all.
Lipstick Plant Care made simple:
Interestingly this plant is known as the lipstick plant because of its bloom. Nowadays it has become prominent among indoor plant lovers. Do you know about the lipstick plant varieties? It has many varieties. Among them, the most prominent are the Curly lipstick plant, the Black Pagoda lipstick plant, and the Mona Lisa lipstick plant
It’s a vibrant type of plant that does not demand much care. By following some simple steps you can take care of this plant. This writing will be helpful If you are about to bring a lipstick plant to your house. I will also share some tips based on my experience.
How to care for lipstick plants?
The lipstick plant is an easy-to-maintain type of plant. It does not require much effort. Rather focusing on some simple matter will make your plant bloom. Let’s find out those things below-
The lipstick plant demands high-quality soil which will also be well-drained. Soil that is too dense is not suitable for this plant. I personally used orchid soil but you can use any type of regular soil. Just make sure that the soil is well drained.
The most common advice is to keep the lipstick plant in indirect bright sunlight. I think it’s the best treatment for this plant. The lipstick plant is a warm lover. Direct sunlight may cause leaf drops, bleaching the leaves, etc. So for proper growth of your lipstick plant, keep it in a warm place where it will get some bright, indirect sunlight.
The ideal temperature range for a lipstick plant is 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They don’t like a cooler atmosphere. Especially, try not to put them under 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Watering is another prominent part of caring. Lipstick plants do not like overwatering. It may cause root rotting. I basically water my lipstick plant every 2-3 weeks. Actually, there’s no fixed time limit for watering. So, Water your plants when the surface is dried out. As these plants do not like chunky soil, check out the drainage system.
When it’s about humidity you have to be conscious. These are the plants that love high humidity. That’s why you can also grow them in the bathroom. Due to the shower, the humidity level is so high there. I use a mist to treat my lipstick plant, as it’s beneficial for the health of the lipstick plant. You can also make it a part of your daily plant care routine.
To boost the growth of the plant fertilizer plays a prominent role. These micronutrients help to keep the plant healthy. I use fertilizer twice a month. Moreover, Liquid fertilizer is more appropriate for the lipstick plant.
The importance of pruning:
The lipstick plant doesn’t require frequent pruning. Its long, green vine enhances the beauty of this plant. Moreover, pruning before flowering may slow the blooming. I suggest pruning if the stems are too long or if there are excessive dead stems. Also, the best time for pruning is after the blooming period.
How to propagate plant:

The lipstick plant can be propagated by seeds or by cutting. The propagating process is also simple.
By seeds:
Sow the seeds in a medium.
The temperature should be around 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit.
It will germinate in approximately 2 weeks.
By cutting:
Propagation by cutting is also simple. Take a non-flowering stem from the mother plant and cut it using a sharp knife or scissors.
Plant the cutting in a medium containing a mix of vermiculite and perlite.
Transfer it to a permanent pot when the cutting is solidly rooted.
Potting and repotting:
When it’s about potting, always choose a pot that has a good drainage system. Also, consider the size of the root while potting your lipstick plant. Sometimes lipstick plants require repotting. Especially when-
The roots are grown longer than the pot which comes out to the drainage hole, and
It grows upward to the surface.
I suggest being gentle while repotting.
Caring for the lipstick plant after blooms

Did you know why the lipstick plant is called the lipstick plant? The answer is -for its tube-like flowers.
The red tubular flowers look like a tube of lipstick. It is considered one of the most beautiful indoor plants. The aroma of this flower will impress you. Do regular care after it blooms.
Lipstick plant problems, pests, and diseases:
- Leaf spot: It’s a fungal disease that usually occurs in cold weather. Dark spots may be visible in the green leaves. The lipstick plants required a balanced atmosphere. If your plant got affected by this use a fungicide to cure.
- Pest: the common pests that affect lipstick plants are spider mites and mealybugs. To cure this problem you can use neem oil or other insecticides. When It’s about prevention I prevent these pests by cleaning the dust from leaves once a week.
- Root rot: Overwatering may cause root rot problems. That’s why check out the soil’s moisture level before watering.
Why my plant isn’t blooming?
This plant delays blooming if they don’t get enough light. It thrives in warm weather and bright light. If your lipstick plant isn’t blooming, change the location of the pot/basket. Also, make sure it’s getting more indirect sunlight than before. I hope it will solve your problem and your lipstick plant will bloom soon.
Why are my lipstick plant leaves turning yellow?
Some factors may turn the leaves yellow. Overwatering is one of them. It’s better not to water your plants frequently. I suggest watering twice a month to keep a balance. Besides, the green leaves may turn yellow due to low humidity. So, keep a balanced humidity level in your room to save your plant.
Is lipstick plant pet-friendly?
Of course. It’s a non-poisonous plant. According to the ASPCA, the lipstick plants are non- toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. Besides, it works as a natural humidifier.
Is lipstick plant hypoallergenic?
Just because it’s not poisonous doesn’t mean it’s not hypoallergenic. Allergic reaction is possible. It may cause skin irritation or rashes to some persons.
- Damp the soil before using liquid fertilizer.
- Avoid watering directly on the leaves.
- Remove the spotted leaves to avoid further infection.