flowers that start with o | Complete Guide

flowers that start with o

The world of flowers is a wonder of nature. Each flower has its own beauty, shape, color, and fragrance. Today we will learn about some flowers that start with the letter ‘O’ and are out-of-the-ordinary collections. You will be amazed to know the identity of these strange and special flowers. Let’s uncover the beauty of truly exceptional flowers.

The top flowers that start with the letter ‘O’ and are out of the ordinary collections:


flowers that start with o
Orchid flower

Orchid flowers are trendy for their extraordinary beauty, diversity, and variety of colors. All over the world, there are about 25,000 species of orchids. Furthermore, the unique shapes and colors of these flower petals of orchids attract people’s attention. Therefore, orchids are known as a symbol of love, luxury, beauty, and strength. They can grow in a moist environment and grow well indoors with proper care. This flower’s attractive petals and ornamental traits can enhance the beauty and elegance of any garden or home decor. 

Common NameOrchid Flower
Scientific NameOrchidaceae
Family NameOrchidaceae
Blooming timeSummer to autumn( May to October)
Number of Species25,000 species
SymbolismIt symbolizes love, beauty, and luxury

Oxeye Daisy

flowers that start with o. Oxeye Daisy
Oxeye Daisy

The oxeye daisy is an ornamental flower plant. It looks like a normal daisy but is slightly larger. Additionally, it is easily recognizable for its white petals and bright yellow center. Furthermore, it is a perennial wildflower that grows abundantly in fields and meadows. Thus, this flower is a symbol of innocence and purity. Moreover, its exquisite beauty makes the natural environment even more vibrant. 

Common NameOxeye Daisy Flower
Scientific NameLeucanthemum vulgare
Family NameAsteraceae
Blooming timeSpring to summer (April to July)
SymbolismBeauty, youth, and innocence



Oleander is known as a beautiful flowering plant due to its vibrant color. Various colors such as red, pink, white, and yellow oleander flowers are available. Usually, it is drought-tolerant and can grow well in warm regions. Although this plant is used as an ornamental plant, it is poisonous. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful and keep away from pets and children.

Common NameOleander Flower
Scientific NameNerium Oleander
Family NameApocynaceae
Blooming timeJune to October
NativeMediterranean region
SymbolismSpiritual purity, resilience, and hope

Ornamental Onion

Ornamental Onion
Ornamental Onion

Ornamental onion is a type of onion also known by various names, including flowering onion, tumbleweed onion, and decorative onion. Furthermore, it blooms from late spring to early summer. Later, these flowers are formed from clusters of small flowers and a large purple-colored spherical shape. These unique flowers enhance the elegance of any garden. Beyond that, this flowering plant typically grows 3 to 5 feet in height, and its leaves are long and narrow. Although it originally originated from Central Asia, it is now a popular ornamental plant worldwide. Moreover, this ornamental onion grows well in sunny and dry environments. Also, it likes well-drained soil. Although it looks attractive, some parts of its bulb and leaves can be toxic to humans and pets. You can plant these decorative onions to enhance the grace of your garden.

Common NameOrnamental Onion
Scientific NameAllium giganteum
Family NameAmaryllidaceae
Blooming timespring or early summer
Native or originCentral Asia
SymbolismA symbol of unity, and strength.

Oriental poppy

Oriental poppy
Oriental poppy

The Oriental poppy is a popular flower for its large and bright flowers. Furthermore, these flowers usually bloom in the spring. The bright red, orange, pink, or white Oriental poppy flowers can make your garden more colorful. Besides, the plant can grow up to about 2-4 feet tall, and its leaves are dark green and wavy. Usually, the Oriental poppy grows well in colder regions and prefers to survive in direct sunlight. Although the plant is one of the main attractions of the ornamental garden, it is poisonous. So, be careful and keep away from pets and children. 

Common NameOriental Poppy Flower
Scientific NamePapaver orientale
Family NamePapaveraceae
Blooming timeLate spring to early summer, May to July
Native or originCaucasus, northeastern Turkey and Iran
SymbolismA symbol of sleep, peace, and success

Oriental lily

Oriental lily
Oriental lily

The sweet fragrance and large, attractive Oriental lily flower make it one of the most popular and demanding flowers. The flowers are usually pink, white, and sometimes yellow, with fine dots or streaks on the petals. Thus, flower enthusiasts often include it as their first choice in flower beds and bouquets. Generally, this flowering plant grows to a height of 3 to 6 feet and blooms in late summer or early fall. Furthermore, the scent of oriental lilies is very strong, which becomes even more pronounced at night. Additionally, this flower is very popular as a cut flower. Also, it can enhance the beauty of your garden. Moreover, it grows well in dry soil and likes direct sunlight. However, some parts of the plant can be toxic, especially to pets.

Common NameOriental lily Flower
Scientific NameLilium orientalis
Family NameLiliaceae
Blooming timeUsually in summer
Place of originEast Asia, mainly Japan and China
Symbolismpurity, innocence, spirituality, and enlightenment



Oxalis is a small, beautiful flower whose leaves look like clover leaves. Also, it is known as Wood Sorrel. The flowers are white, pink, lilac, and violet. Usually, it grows well indoors or in shady places. Moreover, it is popular for its medicinal properties.

Common NameOxalis Flower
Scientific NameOxalis acetosella
Family NameOxalidaceae
Blooming timeFlowers spring to early summer
NativeEurope and AsiaEurope and Asia
SymbolismHarmony, unity, balance, and Success



Osmanthus is a small shrubby plant that usually grows well in cool areas. The flowers are white, yellow, and orange. When Osmanthus blooms in autumn, it produces a beautiful fragrance that fills the air with a sweet and apricot-like fragrance. Thus, it is a symbol of love and romance in many cultures.

Furthermore, it is one of the most popular flowers in China and Japan. Due to its aromatic properties, it is used to make perfumes. Thus, it is not just used for enhancing the beauty of the garden but is also used in the cosmetic industry.

Common NameOsmanthus Flower
Scientific NameOsmanthus fragrans
Family NameOleaceae
Blooming timeIn summer. Usually, March to april
Place of originAsia (China, Japan)
SymbolismSymbol of love, harmony, and prosperity

Owl’s Clover

Owl's Clover
Owl’s Clover

Owl’s Clover, also known as the Castilleja exserta, is an attractive wildflower. The shape of its flowers and the arrangement of its petals resemble the face of an owl. Thus, it is named and known as “Owl’s Clover.” Besides, the followers are usually pink, red, or lilac. Furthermore, this plant serves as a source of food and shelter for local birds and insects. Additionally, some indigenous communities consider Owl’s Clover to have medicinal properties. Usually, it grows in arid and mountainous regions. Moreover, it has parasitic properties, as it takes nutrients from the roots of other plants. Overall, with its unique structural features, you can use the flowering plant to enhance the aesthetics and beautify the environment of your garden.

Common NameOwl's Clover
Scientific NameCastilleja exserta
Family NameOrobanchaceae
Blooming timeBlooms between April and May
SymbolismWisdom, intuition, and hardship
Native or originNorth America, especially California



Olsynium is a small and delicate flowering plant. Usually, it grows in tropical and cold regions, mainly in mountainous areas and grasslands. Additionally, this plant has narrow, long leaves and flowers of beautiful purple or pink color. Although these flowers are very soft and delicate, they add to the gem of the garden. Generally, Olsynium blooms in the spring. Its flowers fall within a day. Thus, its flowers are also O’clock flowers. Besides, it can easily adapt to the natural environment. Furthermore, it is quite popular as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens, especially for its easy maintenance and harmonious appearance.

Common NameOlsynium Flower
Scientific NameOlsynium junceum
Family NameIridaceae
Blooming timeBlooms in early spring
SymbolismIt symbolizes rebirth and beauty
Place of originSouth America, especially Chile and Argentina

Ohio Spiderwort

Ohio Spiderwort
Ohio Spiderwort

Ohio Spiderwort is a perennial herbaceous plant. The plant is known for its trifoliate blue, purple, or sometimes pinkish flowers. In addition, the Ohio spiderwort is the O’clock flower. Furthermore, this plant is usually 2 to 3 feet tall, and its narrow, long leaves look like grass. Mainly, blooms in late spring and early summer. Although the flowers bloom for a day, the plant regularly produces new flowers. Also, this plant adapts easily to wet and dry environments, and its flowers attract butterflies and other pollinating insects. Additionally, it is popular in gardens as an ornamental plant, as it requires less maintenance and is suitable for any garden.

Common NameOhio Spiderwort
Scientific NameTradescantia ohiensis
Family NameCommelinaceae
Blooming timeLate spring to mid summer. Usually, May to July
SymbolismA symbol of equality, trust, power, and secrecy
Native or originNorth America, Midwest and Eastern United States


Which flowers are the top out-of-the-ordinary collections that start with o ?

Orchid, Oriental poppy, oleander, Oriental lily, Osteospermum, Oxeye daisy, Osmanthus, and Orange Blossom are the top out-of-the-ordinary collections that start with “o.”.

Can I use ornamental onion as a spice?

No, you can’t use ornamental onion as a spice. Although it looks attractive, some parts of its bulb and leaves can be toxic to humans and pets.

Is Ohio Spiderwort flower O’clock flower?

Yes, the Ohio spiderwort flower is an O’clock flower. Ohio spiderwort flowers bloom for a day.

Which are the O’clock flowers that start with o?

Owl’s Clover, Ohio Spiderwort, Oenothera, and Oregano are the o’clock flowers that start with “o.”.

Why should I plant out-of-the-ordinary collections that start with o?

Out-of-the-ordinary collections of flowers like orchids, oxeye daisies, oriental poppies, etc. can grow in extreme environmental conditions. Some flowers have medicinal properties like oxalis and aromatic properties like osmanthus. Overall, these flowering plants enhance the aesthetics and beautify the environment of your garden.

fuchsia flower